Ongoing Formation

Phase 3 - Ongoing Formation

The person who feels called to Carmel embarks on a journey of faith, like our models, Mary and Elijah. Gradually over the course of a lifetime, the Carmelite is changed, not just on an exterior plane but is transformed on every level of his personality if he consents to the will of God. In this way the Carmelite is conformed to Christ and becomes a new creation in Him.

Phase 3

Carmelite Formation: A Journey of Transformation fa external link

2025 Ongoing Formation

Mary the Perfect Contemplative, by Barbara Hughes, O.C.D.S.

For Ongoing Formation in our community, we are studying Mary the Perfect Contemplative, by Barbara Hughes, O.C.D.S., ICS Publications, Institute of Carmelite Studies, Washington, D.C.

About the book. “Mary the Perfect Contemplative is a fresh and beautiful portrait of the Mother of God. From her immaculate conception to her bodily assumption into heaven, Mary was set apart by God as the vessel of humanity’s redemption. Thrice favored as daughter of the Father, mother of the Son, and spouse of the Holy Spirit, Mary was endowed with supernatural gifts that enabled a contemplative life of grace. Unlike us, she was conceived without sin. Yet her reliance on faith, without the full vision of God’s plan of salvation during her earthly life, makes her for us the perfect model of faith. Pondering in her heart the mysteries she encountered throughout her life, she is the perfect contemplative.” [Excerpt from the book’s inside front cover]


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