Community News, September 2024

Our Lady of Mercy Lay Carmelite Community Logo: Catherine Weeks (own work)

Community and Regional News — September 2024

  • PHASE 1 Formation.
    Welcome to our three new candidates who will be starting Phase One: Patricia (Patty), Roselmar (Rose) Naranja and Violeta (Violy).
    The Novena to St. Thérèse of Lisieux is September 22-30, 2024. Please pray the novena on your own. (Novena prayers can be found here.) Those who can attend Mass on the feast day, October 1, 2024, please wear your scapular. We will not distribute scapulars at the Mass, however it is a perfect time to invite parishioners to attend our community meeting.
    Happy September Birthday to: Lynn (September 19). Feast days this month are for: Saint Teresa Margaret Redi (September 1), Saint Brocard (September 2), Saint Albert of Jerusalem (September 17)


Next Meeting — October 20, 2024

Community Meeting: October 20, 2024 in the Fireside Lounge, from 2:00-5:00 p.m.

Ongoing Formation Homework

  • Mary the Perfect Contemplative: Part 1, Chapter 3, The Infancy Narratives, pages 65-77. Study Guide: pages 39-41, questions 53-59.

Lectio Divina

Lectio Divina for October 20 community meeting is the gospel reading for the Twenty-Ninth Sunday in Ordinary Time: Mark 10:35-45.

Prayer Intentions

Please pray for all Carmelites, especially:
  • Our members who are ill and/or inactive
  • All Carmelites who are isolates
  • Our deceased members

More Information

  • Monthly Community Meeting
    Lectio Divina, dates, and locations for all meetings
  • Ongoing Formation
    Information about our current required reading and homework for each month of this year’s ongoing formation classes