
News and announcements about the Carmelite Order, our Region, and our Community

Feast of St. John of the Cross

St. John of the Cross by Zurbarán (1656)
“St. John of the Cross” by Zurbarán. Photo by Unknown author, Public Domain, Wikimedia

Saint John of the Cross

Feast Day: December 14

Saint John of the Cross was born on June 24, 1542 at Fontiveros, Old Castile and died on December 14, 1591 in Úbeda, a city in the province of Jaén, Andalusia. He was a Spanish Catholic priest, mystic, and a Carmelite friar. He is a major figure of the Counter-Reformation in Spain, and he is one of the thirty-seven Doctors of the Church.

Community News, November 2022

Our Lady of Mercy Lay CarmelitesRead the news from our November 2022 community meeting. Included is information about a free Virtual Formation Session by Brother John Mark on December 17th, a fond farewell to Susan S. who is moving to another state, and our upcoming Christmas Party on December 18th. Read the whole article for more details and to find out about our Ongoing Formation homework for the next community meeting.

Community News, October 2022

Our Lady of Mercy Lay CarmelitesRead the news from our October 2022 community meeting. Included is information about a free Virtual Formation Session by Brother John Mark on December 17th, a fond farewell to Susan S. who is moving to another state, and our upcoming Christmas Party on December 18th. Read the whole article for more details and to find out about our Ongoing Formation homework for the next community meeting.